Fox4workisnotthesmallestinitsclassandincludes various adaptive solutions as standard:- Exchange by flat file- Exchange by csv file- Exchange by XML file- Exchange by HL7 fileBy SQL Trigger integrated into the application.
YoucanwritetheinventorydirectlyinyourapplicationafterprocessinginFox4work(thisallowsyou to block the use of selected items only while IDOC is written in SAP).AnautomatedcomparisonbetweenthecomputerizedstockofyourERPandFox4Worksoftwarewill be automatically performed in order to detect any operating discrepancy.Recovery of purchase order receipts to automate and speed up inventory..Retrieval of output files in the form of a list from KARDEX.Write transactions directly in your SAP via IDOC.Automated writing of inventories in SAP via IDOC.
Fox4work offers a service allowing a range of possibilities such as directly controlling your machine from your own programming, checking the stock status, etc.
Fox4workisnotthesmallestinitsclassandincludesvariousadaptive solutions as standard:- Exchange by flat file- Exchange by csv file- Exchange by XML file- Exchange by HL7 fileBy SQL Trigger integrated into the application.
Youcanwritetheinventorydirectlyinyourapplicationafterprocessingin Fox4work(thisallowsyoutoblocktheuseofselecteditemsonlywhileIDOCis written in SAP).AnautomatedcomparisonbetweenthecomputerizedstockofyourERPand Fox4Worksoftwarewillbeautomaticallyperformedinordertodetectany operating discrepancy.Recovery of purchase order receipts to automate and speed up inventory..Retrieval of output files in the form of a list from KARDEX.Write transactions directly in your SAP via IDOC.Automated writing of inventories in SAP via IDOC.
Fox4workoffersaserviceallowingarangeofpossibilitiessuchasdirectly controllingyourmachinefromyourownprogramming,checkingthestock status, etc.